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Ski Club of Manchester newsletter articles 2025

Click on one of the "Articles and back issues" date links in the Newsletter navigation dropdown or use the search facility at the top of the page to find other articles. Newsletter back issues are available for members by clicking the 'get pdf' link next to the date.

February 2025 get pdf*
In this edition we have reports on the January holiday to Arc 1800 by Paul Tonner, Frances Bannister and Max Macintosh, Val Poole provides a brief review of her ski instruction experiences, more members share their memories of Pat Ashworth and Jen Bridgeland covers the first SCoM tree planting day.

January 2025 get pdf*
Stuart Burdass reports on the Club instruction holiday in Val d'Isère. Sadly, Pat Ashworth died in December 2024. Chris Fildes and Tony Keats and provide some memories of her here.

* A username and password (published in the current newsletter and on digital membership cards) are required to access complete back issues.