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Ski Club of Manchester AGM, October 2024

Reporter: Andrew Walker (Club Secretary)

A few minutes late, because some people had difficulty getting into the Zoom meeting, the 2024 AGM started at 7:44 pm.

After the apologies, and the acceptance of last year’s minutes (despite the finance section referring to the report and accounts — now corrected — as being up to 31 August 2022),

Ruth Bacci gave her Chair report. She thanked the Committee for their work during the year, explained that we had created a social media policy and had opened a club Instagram account, and that we would in future be issuing holiday surveys immediately after the trips ended. She added that we had now booked the holiday 2025-26 holidays and that they would be announced in the new year.

Phil Jones reviewed his Treasurer’s report, explaining that the club financial surplus had been reduced, albeit by a fairly modest amount, in line with our policy.

After that we moved onto the election of the Committee Officers and members and, there being no AOB, the meeting was closed 8:12 pm (28 minutes). Approximately 27 attended.

Immediately afterwards Tosh presented a summary of the 2023-24 Club Holiday survey results. A summary is provided in the back pages of this Newsletter.

After a break for refreshments etc Emily Thompson from Tink Adventures gave a presentation on her expedition to Kyrjyzstan. She followed this with a talk on her experience of training her search and rescue dog, Nevi.

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article and content from Emily's talks with the associated slideshere.