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SCoM History

The start of the Ski Club from Pat’s Perspective

By: Pat Ashworth

The SCoM developed from the activities of people who were members of the SCGB, often members of IVC (Inter Varsity Club) and a group of skaters who skied in Scotland on minibus trips. All seats occupied and skis down the aisle, these were in association with Ellis Brigham and the minibus company, Small Group Travel. One weekend each season was the North West Ski Federation Races. (I was thrilled one year to win the veteran ladies slalom, beating Jane (Fairclough), whose skiing I admired).

The SCGB ran weekly pre-ski exercises at the College of Building, followed by drinks in a pub off Deansgate. Key figures in the SCGB were Gerald Wilmer, NW Rep, Norman Attwood (who became chairperson), John Christmas, Roy Dearden, Fred Gans. George Mills. Key people from the other group were Peter and Ursula Whitehead, who organised the first big holiday to the Hotel Derby in Sauze D’Oulx, Mike and Marianne Tann who organised a summer gathering at their smallholding near Macclesfield, and Barbara and Harvey Scholes. Jane was also a NW SCBB Rep but I think she got more involved after attending a trip to Telford Ski Slope, and later contributing so much organising dry slope courses after Rossendale opened.

The takings from the exercise sessions had built up into a balance of £90.00, and people decided it should be spent on a portable tow and 6 pairs of grass skis, with broom sticks as poles to avoid the spikes getting caught in the mud. We would ski up at Werneth Low, dodging the thistles, and in the Peak District when we had enough snow. One season we were able to ski virtually every weekend from January to March at Doctor’s Gate. Various members were marvelous at storing, setting-up and maintaining the tows. The first was wire rope, the second, bought later to extend the run, was a rope tow.

After the trip to Sauze, Pat and Harry, who met on that holiday, started organising smaller two-centre chalet holidays. People could do either or both weeks. In the early days, we would organise the following year’s holidays at an end of season party at our house, when we would sound people out for preferences. Later, Barry and Jonquil, with a growing family and tied to half-term organised self-catering coach trips to the Alps at half term. This brought in new members from the teaching profession like Elaine, Brian Richards (Treasurer), Ruth and David Harrison, whose son, Phil joined with the Lewis boys in setting up the ski tuition in France. Phil is now in New Zealand. We cannot forget Paul Sharp, who started to arrange a late spring holiday, trips to North America and later took over the January holiday. Since we have had to thank John Wetherell and David Shepherd for their sterling work.

There had been a rota of 3 people who took the exercises. Harry later joined in, and later did most of the session. The venue had to be moved, and we went to Urmston Leisure Centre, which had a handy bar. When Rossendale opened, we had monthly Friday night meets, with drinks and snacks at the Whitchaff afterwards. Jane started organising e, which feels safer than Dendix.

Many ‘old lags’ have helped with the Club over the years, serving on the Committee — Bill Matthews (Treasurer), John and Trudy Lymer, Alan Brown, Fred Gans (Treasurer), Roy Dearden, Barry and Jonquil and Elaine. It is good to see that people are continuing to develop the club.

So, the early days involved smaller groups of 12+ people on holidays and trips to the Cairngorms, and the use of portable tows. Then we progressed to Rossendale, coach trips to Scotland and to the Alps, and mainly adult friendly holidays in December, January and March approximately. We have to celebrate how the Club has moved from small beginnings to what it is today 50+ years later.

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