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Chair's Report To The SCoM AGM, October 2018

Another year as chairman and I would really like to give my personal thanks to all the committee members again for all their hard work throughout this last year and for continuing service to the Club, giving up their valuable free time either to attend committee meetings or the many hours at home sorting out holidays, accounts, membership packs, social events... the list goes on.

I would also like to thank the non-committee members who also help in the administration of the Club ski holidays and other social events throughout the year.

There have been some changes at the Chill Factore and I hope David is on the mend and a big thank you for Brian stepping in as co-ordinator.

Thank you again for John and Paul for their continued instruction on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings.

The membership of the Club has stayed at a steady 300 members, with some members resigning but we still have new members joining so welcome to the Club and hope you either enjoy the events we run or the holidays we organise.

Again I am sure those who joined the Club holidays last season thoroughly enjoyed them, unfortunately I had to go to New Zealand for a holiday so missed a full season of skiing.

As some may have notice we are only running three holidays this coming season as for the moment the interest in a February holiday has waned a little due to the cost most likely. We will however over the next few months be asking the members to participate in a survey so that we can address any issues you the membership think the committee should be looking at with respect to the holidays in the coming years.

Unfortunately there are few changes in the committee for next season. Caroline is standing down and we thank her for the valued input over the year, but she remains as the Club Welfare Officer.

As most of you will know John’s health is not as it was and it was great to see him at his 70th birthday party last month. However, he has also decided to stand down from the committee and his valuable experience, humour, conversation will be missed immensely. John was the first person I met from the Club and I will especially miss the chats at the top of the slope in Chill Factore when we should have been skiing.

For his valued service to the Club, the committee would like to make John an honorary member of the Club and I am sure everyone will agree it is much deserved.

Over the next twelve months I look forward to meeting more members of the Club either at social events or at the skiing sessions. If there any issue anybody would like to raise at a committee meeting, please let me know.

I hope everyone has a great skiing season.

Richard Mayers, Chairman

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