Reporter: Brian Richardson
Your newsletter editor, Christine, must have become desperate to find a witness to the Club social on January 12th in Manchester....., so here I am, five hours before heading to Manchester Airport for the Fieberbrunn holiday, torturing my brain to remember the evening’s details.
Naturally, packing and dinner had priority, but this article came a close third, since a frosty stare from Christine on failure, threatened to be worse than the eastern cold blast expected over Austria this coming week.
A little research of SCoM Facebook gave some clues. Eight (or nine?) of us are in a photo shoot at the Waldorf Pub, Roby Street (that’s near Piccadilly, for the non-pub-crawlers amongst us).
It was really nice to meet up with friends reminiscing about the delightful times one was left fallen and grovelling in the snow...
In a chatty and hungry throng we crossed town to the magnificent ‘Hafez Persian Restaurant’, where ten or eleven of us (yes, numbers and changing faces got confusing as the evening progressed), shared an excellent dinner and conversations. Good social evenings create vivid memories (despite my need for recourse to SCoM Facebook) and this one was no exception.
Thanks for organising it all, Ruth!
Ps and now, perhaps, three hours slumber ....?
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