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Ski Club of Manchester Golf Evening

Organiser: Jane Fairclough

Reporter: Brenda Smith

On a very hot summers day, with black clouds and the threat of thunder and rain to follow. Five intrepid ski club members decided to brave the elements and chance their arms on the challenge that is Knutsford Golf course.

With umbrellas and wet weather gear we set out. Jane and Peter leading (from the front). Never got the hang of that, perhaps someone could enlighten me.

It did not rain, the sun got even hotter as we enjoyed once again all that the immaculately cared for course could throw at us.

Nigel lead the way in the follow up group, hitting the ball so far we could hardly see it, usually in the right direction. Despite having a very experienced bag man, Winstanley! I had to call it a day by the ninth hole but Celia and Nigel continued to slug it out until the end.

We all assembled afterwards for what for some might be the highlight of the day, our evening meal. As good as usual.

All that was left was for Nigel to be declared the winner and we set off home a happy if small band determined to be there again next year if we get the chance.

Thanks to Jane and Peter for hosting the event. Come on you golfing skiers you don't know what you are missing.

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