Reporter: Tony Shaw
Here is a taste of some of the items that were discussed at the March committee meeting.
John Weatherell reported that the C/F sessions attendance is high and continues to grow. Different activities including moguls are planned but the recent snow conditions have delayed this. It is strongly advised that people attending the regular sessions are to pre-book in the usual manner as turning up on the day could result in non-participation.
The recent skiing holidays have generally been a success and the club is looking to fill the places for next season. Members considering attending the club holidays are asked to pay their deposits quickly if they want to secure a place on any of the trips.
As the club membership is growing, it is becoming ever more difficult to accommodate everyone. The spread of holidays, specifically the January trip, may not become the main club trip in future years as the February and March holidays are becoming more popular. The committee are trying to manage this going forward.
Facebook group for the club continues to grow and members are encouraged to post pictures from holidays and interact with other members. New members will need to be approved before entering the domain upon confirmation of membership of the SCoM.
The Club are currently in discussion with Ski Club of GB and Snowsports UK to ascertain what offerings may be available with membership. These may possibly add to our social events. Other benefits are being pursued.
The club is looking at alternative locations for future ski trips. The committee have compiled a list which are known to the SCoM, and are looking at every angle to achieve good value for money and reduce costs if achievable.
Ideas for the closed season in terms of other activities to keep fit were discussed. Potentially a number of social evening events are planned but dates not agreed.
Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.