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Chair's Report To The SCoM AGM 14th October 2016

I would like to thank the committee for all their hard work throughout this last year and for giving up their valuable free time either to attend committee meetings or the many hours at home sorting out holidays, accounts, membership packs.....the list goes on.

Special thanks to John Weatherell who as we all know organises all the social skiing events at the Chill Factore and his presence on the ski holidays has been sorely missed organising social activities during the holidays and ensuring everyone has a group to ski with.

I would like to thank the non-committee members who also help in the administration of the club ski holidays and other social events throughout the year.

We also must thank John Cook and Paul Sharpe for their continued instruction on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings and both sessions are going from strength to strength especially over the winter months. I know everyone is thoroughly enjoying the skiing sessions and if you haven’t been in a while come to the Chill Factore and brush up your skiing skills.

The membership has made a modest increase over the last twelve months and stands at just below 300 and I hope we can continue to attract new members over the next twelve months. So keep spreading the good word, as I believe most of our new members come word of mouth, either from members and some even from the Chill Factore instructors.

Having attended my first club holiday this year I can vouch that they are great value for money and thoroughly enjoyable.

We are continuing to run four holidays this coming season taking over 130 members on various ski holidays. We will be soon thinking about the venues for holidays in the 2017/18 season, so if anyone has any suggestions please let a committee member know.

We unfortunately have a couple of committee members resigning this year, Alan Brown and Ian Harford; both of whom over the years have served the club in many roles and been instrumental in achieving the Snowmark Accreditation for the club. So I would like to thank them and know they will still support the club in the future.

Over the next twelve months I look forward to meeting more members of the club either at social events or at the skiing sessions. If there any issue anybody would like to raise at a committee meeting, please let me know.

I hope everyone has a great skiing season.

Rick Mayers

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.