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Fly On The Wall, Committee Meeting October 2015

Reporter: Rick Mayers

The new ski season is now nearly upon us with the Ski Shows on the horizon and with it a new look committee and location to host the meetings.

Chill Factore events are going from strength to strength, with the monthly club coaching continuing on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings. With the success of the recent race training and mogul coaching sessions, we have decided to organise further sessions over the coming season.

We have managed to reach a decision on appropriate wording about the use of Facebook and social media and details can be read on the relevant sections of the Facebook and Yahoo Groups pages.

With new season comes the club’s social events and a full list will be issued with the new club membership cards, which have been now been sponsored by Ellis Brigham and should be with you before the end of October. If anyone has any suggestions for future events, whether meeting in Manchester for a few drinks or canoeing on the River Dee, let a member of the committee know and we’ll try to include it on the social calendar.

The club holiday arrangements are going well, with the possibility of an organised ‘Off Piste Day’ with TDC at a modest cost if any of the holiday participants would like to join in. For any news of holiday places availability, newsflashes will be sent.

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.