Reporter: Chris Fildes
Once again, it was a pleasant and sunny evening for the end of season Social. There was an especially good turn out this year as thirty nine members gathered for this annual event hosted by Barry and Jonquil. It was especially good to see new members among the ‘regulars’.
Due to the numbers attending and the food they kindly contributed, there was a magnificent spread. The hot buffet was superb this year. You all did us proud! Special thanks go to Jane Fairclough who was the expert coordinator!
With the exploits of the 2014/2015 season’s skiing to discuss, also the club’s social events, inevitably thoughts turned to the coming 2015/2016 season. Some members being fortunate to be going on all four holidays on offer, in addition to any others they have planned!
Thanks go once again to Barry and Jonquil Lewis who opened up their residence for this popular occasion, and I can safely say a good time was had by all!
Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.