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John Weatherell on The Podium With Graham Bell!

Graham Bell recently presented John, representing the Ski Club of Manchester, with the national award marking the Club's reaccreditation with "Snowmark". Snowmark is part of Sport England's national framework for recognising, in all sports, those clubs which demonstrate that they offer a high quality and inclusive range of activities supported by good practice and organisation. Continuing accreditation requires participation in a full assessment programme initially and every three years thereafter.

The Club has now held this accreditation for a little over three years, and prior to that held "Trafford Mark" a Local Authority forerunner of the national Scheme. As well as being a useful badge to demonstrate to third parties, e.g. Local Authorities, insurers, Chill Factore, that the Club is a responsible body to deal with, the process of accreditation has ensured that the Club, and the committee in particular, keep the operation of the Club and its activities under review against an external and objective measure. Since the Club first sought an accreditation, it has benefitted from an expanded and more focused range of activities and a growing and more active membership and there is little doubt that submitting to the accreditation process has contributed to that.

Of course, all this has only been possible because of the efforts of the many members who volunteer to assist in the running of the Club and its activities.

Well done and thank you to you all! (including John!)

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.