Reporter: Caro Brown
For once the SCoM BBQ fell in the middle of a period of wonderful stable, sunny weather, which in some respects worked against us as people were able to plan ahead and some decided that other events were even more exciting than our BBQ!
There was a respectable turn-out nevertheless and my eternal thanks go to Carol Curtis’ guest Sam and to Christine Fildes who rescued me by heroically taking over the cooking on the BBQs while I sorted stuff out in the kitchen. Alan, the usual Macclesfield chargrill specialist, sat serenely in the shade on this occasion, fielding questions about his recent heart op and generally having a pleasant sociable time.
The relatively low turn-out meant that we all had a proper seat to sit on and a spot in the shade somewhere while we ate our lunch. Grateful thanks to all those who brought food—it wouldn’t be quite the same without Helen Richardson’s coleslaw or one of Jane Fairclough’s puddings (raspberry pavlova this year in case you’re wondering!) to name but two.
We only managed to tempt one MCCSC (see rollerskiing event announcement) member plus husband to join us but the report went back that SCoM host a mean feast so maybe more will decide to join us next time.
Ed: Thank you Alan and Caroline for hosting this enjoyable event again. With the Mediterranean conditions we were all dodging the sun this year!
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