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Ski Club of Manchester, Lake District Walks - The Newlands Round - Monday May 6th 2013

By Steve Wardle

Despite the weather forecast being better than for the Sunday we were reduced to just 8 people and a dog for the second walk of the weekend. All had stayed in Braithwaite overnight so we agreed to rendezvous at the Middle Ruddings and take the minimum number of vehicles to the start of the walk in case parking was a problem.

However, with people deciding they'd rather head straight home after the walk, we set off down the narrow lanes to Little Town as a 3 car and 1 camper van convoy!

We'd planned calling at the tea shop adjoining Littletown Farm Guest House after the walk so stopped by to ask if we could park there. A deal was struck at a very reasonable rate and we made ready for the walk which left the road just opposite the farm.

The climb up on to Maiden Moor was very pleasant with views of Cat Bells to the north before we turned south and headed up into the low cloud and reduced visibility. These conditions prevailed as we passed High Spy before descending from the cloud to Dalehead Tarn and lunch.

We were thankful for the "cooling breeze and the shade of the clouds" as we made the steepish ascent to Dale Head but the weather was improving now and as we continued along Hindscarth Edge we could see part of our previous day's route.

As we walked the long ridge over Hindscarth toward Scope End the sun broke through and the wind dropped. Conditions couldn't have been better and we even had to make a short stop to apply suncream.

Further down we stopped for a short break and to try some of Liz Moore's chocolate and beetroot cake - sounded healthy and tasted delicious.

At the end of the descent from the ridge we turned south, crossed the footbridge over Newlands Beck and then headed north along the track back to the road and Littletown Farm.

We had met our objective and made it back in time for tea, scones, more cake and ice cream for those who wanted it.

Thanks to everyone on the walks for their company and to Dave and Vanessa for organising another great weekend.

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