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Fly On The Wall - July Committee Meeting

Reporter: Barry Lewis

The committee meeting held in late July was very much an opportunity to review the state of play, with the summer programme well under way, the winter programme largely planned and the Annual General Meeting coming on to the radar.

By and large our summer events have been well attended so far with the exception of the mountain biking which unfortunately had to be cancelled. Chill Factore meets continue to attract good numbers and the recent mogul clinics put on by Chill Factore were dominated by enthusiastic club members. Although it was disappointing that Chill Factore did not wish to host our autumn clinics or last season's Ski Fit we continue to seek to work closely with them and increase our presence there. In particular we will be represented at talks involving them and Snow Sport England regarding possible developments there.

The extra holiday/instruction week in December in Val d'Isere, put on partially in response to the loss of the autumn clinics, has proved reasonably successful with 16 of the 20 places being taken up. Although there are still spaces available, unfortunately the generous discounts obtained have now expired. Both other holidays are full and waiting lists are being maintained. As always finance and the annual budget fall to be considered, particularly with the end of the financial year looming. Essentially we are on track. A significant element in the Club's income is the capitation fee which it receives from the Ski Club of Great Britain and which allows us to offer special terms to their members. We have always had a special relationship with the Ski Club of Great Britain and seek to encourage shared membership, making our events open to them. SCGB is currently reviewing its activities and finances and as one part of that we are in discussion with them. Whilst we welcome the chance to discuss future, and hopefully greater, collaboration, there is a concern about the implications for the club if the capitation fee is affected.

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.