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New Members Social Event, Sunday July 1st 2012

Reporter: Ian Harford

Nineteen people turned up on July 1st for this event, a buffet lunch and afternoon session at the home of Ian and Lindsay Harford in Didsbury. There were twelve new members and seven members of the Committee. The key purpose of the event was to help our new members become more actively involved with club activities.

For a start name badges were provided for all, which made it easier for us all to remember who we had speaking to! Committee members were able to chat with new members about the variety of club activities; and by the end of the afternoon also had a better idea of their different interests. Several offers were made to help with running activities.

In the afternoon there was a visit to the nearby 17th century Parsonage - now a Community Trust house - and a short walk through the famous Fletcher Moss rock garden. Useful after a delicious lunch.

Alan Brown had prepared copies of the SCoM Skills Questionnaire and all of the new members took them away to complete. Several of the new members have written thanking us for organising the event, which they had found useful.

Members can view or download the full newsletter containing this article here.