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Christmas Meal At Da Vinci's - 4th December 2008

Review by Alan Brown

A record 35 members turned out on a bitterly cold evening in Urmston for a very sociable time.

The Da Vinci restaurant was already buzzing with revellers as we arrived and was certainly beginning to throb as some of us more mature older members retired early.

In between we enjoyed the delights of an Italian-themed meal complete with Italian plonk and a pasta option. As the vino flowed, so did the many conversations. Some were even ski-related, but such is the variety of our members, that no-one was left out. We had the silly hats and even sillier cracker jokes to chuckle over.

Our thanks to John Weatherell and Jane Fairclough for doing such a splendid job on the arranging and co-ordinating fronts.