By Carol Sencicle
Alan Brown has been voted on to the committee of the Ski Club of Great Britain. There were four candidates for three places at the AGM last month. There are nine council members who serve for three years.
Alan has 'worked' as a Ski Club of Great Britain rep and party leader since 1992. This summer he was approached by an existing Council member to see if he would consider applying for a position.
Alan can genuinely say that the Ski Club has shaped his skiing, and understands from personal experience the benefits the Club has to offer to all standards of Snowsports enthusiasts from beginner upwards. First it was instruction-based Club holidays where he learned to appreciate the camaraderie and lifelong friends these can provide. Then, after gaining proficiency in après-ski on Ski Club Action holidays, he was ready for the Reps Course which he did in 1992. Repping and leading Club holidays have become an increasingly significant element of life since leaving full-time work early in 1999. He still gets great satisfaction from helping maximise members' recreation time in Alpine resorts, and his success was recognised when he was made Rep of the Year in 2005.
Alan had a successful career in project management in IT and offers a wealth of experience in business.
He has long been a strong advocate of regional activities. As secretary of Manchester Ski Club, Alan is heavily involved in organising events locally, and will actively work to bring The Club to the members.