The increase in subscriptions at the commencement of the 01-02 season resulted, as expected, in non-active members reviewing their situation and hence a reduction in membership numbers from 283 to 205. The latter figure includes 17 new members who joined during the year.
Previous subscription rates were not covering the annual costs of the production and distribution of the Newsletter and the Club's Liability Insurance.
The Accounts, audited by Harry Ashworth and Joy Baxter, show a surplus on the year of £1100. However at the time of writing this brief report I have yet to receive the invoice from The George Carnall Centre. This invoice would normally be incorporated in the Accounts and will be of the order of £250 (for the months of September and October). The realistic figure for excess of income over expenditure is therefore closer to £900. Subscriptions were last raised 1989/90, hopefully the next increase will be instigated at a similar time interval.
The Holiday Accounts have slowly built up a reserve which should prove sufficient to cover any unforeseen events. All the holidays for the 01-02 season were full, although there are a few vacancies for the 02-03 season.
My thanks to the Auditors for decrypting my accounting system.
Brian Richards ( Hon.Treasurer )