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Sailing At Elton - 12th August

by Joy Baxter

Several members their families and friends turned out for an afternoon of sailing on Elton Reservoir. They could not have asked for better weather, dry, not too much wind (especially for beginners) and very little sun to glare off the water. Ski club members were warmly welcomed by Freda Moody asking if they wanted to sail and then organising a member of Elton Sailing Club to take people out in their boats. The boats were "Enterprises" for the adults and "Optimists" for the children. The children did really well, even sailing on their own after a while.

Les and I had the good luck to crew for Jeff in his Enterprise. He thoroughly enjoyed passing on his knowledge and refreshing memories of skills that had not been used for a good many years.

We had a great time "tacking" with the odd "jibe" and we actually followed one of the races. We avoided Ray who was enjoying sailing a Laser single-handed. Then we caught sight of someone struggling with a spinnaker only to discover it was Alan trying to scoop it up. Sorry Alan. We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon on the water with no mishaps and no one in the water.

Later after showering and changing people gathered in the Clubhouse for a hot pot supper prepared by the committee and friends. It was a very welcome and tasty meal (after all that fresh air).

Norman and his good lady appeared and began preparing for the "Barn Dance". An hour later he started us off with "Nine Pins" rather complicated! Several dances later many calories had been burnt off and people were suffering attacks of confusion, still Norman arranged us in squares made up of eight people and then announced that he was calling this dance Stevenson's reel after Ann.

We all had a brilliant day and I'm sure any one wanting to take up sailing would find Elton Sailing Club a very friendly crowd.

Thanks to the organisers for a great time, look forward to the next event.