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Chairman's Annual Report For 1998 / 1999

It's the ritual opportunity to review the past year. We've done the usual things, and I'll cover these in a bit more detail, but this year, we've also put a toe in the water on the future of the Club, and I'll say some more about our progress here too. But first I'd like to thank the committee for all their efforts. It's surprising how much effort is needed to keep the Club going smoothly. I'll be picking our individuals for a mention later, I'd just like to express my personal thanks to everyone. I think we've worked well as a team and I hope you like the results.

The Club has two mainstay activities : the monthly meetings and social events and holidays. Our meetings at the Belfry have been well attended over the year. We strayed from the published events, but I don't think people were disappointed with the speakers. I think the outstanding ones were Jane and Peter Fairclough's talk on summer Alpine touring and Claire Richards on Canada. Nice to have home-grown professionals! All the non ski activities have really been successful. From new things like the walk in the Lakes and the sailing to the old favourites like mountain biking, golf and the treasure hunt. I think we have a good programme for this year thanks to Steve.

So it was Serre Chevalier with no snow again! Verbier with more snow than expected, and Park City a little disappointing. Again, thanks to Paul for all the hard work and organising and chivvying. Pity he again couldn't make the America trip. That's partly why were back there this year too, although in typical entrepreneurial style, Paul has gauged demand perfectly. This year were off to Alpe D'Huez and La Tania too with places still available.

The Ski Fitness sessions went through something of a crisis last year with falling numbers and financial losses. Steve and I have been hard pressed to understand what the causes were. Maybe it's the image we've created for tough meany sessions just for macho men. Anyway, this year has got off to a flying start with very strong attendance and a very promising couple of early sessions with our new professional trainer, Geoff Tancred, who certainly knows how to put a good session together. Please do come and try it ? you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Usual pattern with the Rossendale events that Elaine has organised : over subscription of the Gerald Harrison clinics, but disappointing turnouts for the Friday free skiing sessions. We've decided to continue running these as we felt they are an important feature of a ski club, but if you have any constructive ideas, we'd be pleased to have them.

Norma Green has been responsible for both Newsletter production and finding sponsors. We've done well on sponsors, and I think the quality of the newsletters goes from strength to strength. This is important as it's the main communication medium for the Club. All contributions are always gratefully received.

We've been busy thinking about the future, and particularly about how to attract new younger members. I'm not sure we've been as successful as I would have hoped, but we now have a very impressive web site courtesy of Steve, and a stronger link to SCGB than previously. SCGB is just about to send a mail shot to all their members in our catchment area pointing out our presence and suggesting that more join us.

The questionnaire so many of you completed suggested that we should also have a wider range of activities and more variation on holidays from safaris / touring with guides to bargain holidays. We need volunteers to help get these off the ground, so please come and talk to me if you have a favourite idea you'd like to get started.

So overall a good year, and I'm looking forward to the second half of my term as chairman. Here's hoping for a good season for us all with more good snow. After all, that's what were in it for !! Alan Brown, Chairman.